Bylaws of the
North Central Kansas Library System

Table of Contents

Article 1.  Name

The name of this regional system of cooperating libraries is the North Central Kansas Library System subsequently referred to as “the System.”

Article 2. Authority and Purpose:

The North Central Kansas Library System is organized by authority of K.S.A 75-2547 et. seq. The purpose of the North Central Kansas Library System is to provide, through a system of cooperating libraries, improved library service to all citizens in the North Central Kansas area, and to otherwise promote the library interests of the state of Kansas.

Article 3. Membership

Membership of each participating library is established by petition to the

State Library of Kansas Board in the original petition for System designation, or by amendment to that petition, with prior approval of the System’s governing body.

Section 1. Types of Membership

Three types of membership are possible for libraries in the North Central Kansas Library region:

  • Legally established public libraries (as defined by K.S.A. 12-1220) in taxing counties – counties that levy the System tax;
  • Legally established public libraries (as defined by K.S.A. 12-1220) in contracting counties – counties without the ability to levy the System tax;
  • Affiliated members schools, colleges, community colleges, universities or other libraries, including special libraries as provided for in K.S.A. 75-2547 et. seq.

Entrance and withdrawal from the System is authorized and described within K.S.A. 75-2547 et. seq. and K.A.R. Article 1. 54-1-1 et. seq. and subsequent amendments or additions thereto.

A participating library may withdraw from membership in the System by submitting written notification to the System’s governing body one year prior to the adoption of the annual budget, subject to the approval of the State Library of Kansas Board.

The participating libraries of a county, when in unanimous agreement, may withdraw that county from the System by submitting written notification to the System’s governing body one year prior to the adoption of the annual budget, subject to the approval of the State Library of Kansas Board.

In the event of the withdrawal of a participating library or county from the System, all System assets and all property purchased with System funds shall become the property of, and will be returned to, the System.

Article 4. System Board

Section 1. Definition

The governing body of the System is the System Board. The System Board has authority and power, as identified in K.S.A. 75-2550, to adopt the policies, programs and regulations necessary to the operation of the System, to adopt the annual budget and program of operations, to elect board officials who will constitute the Executive Committee, and to delegate to the Executive Committee such powers and duties as the Board may deem appropriate, subject to any restriction imposed by law.

Section 2. Representation

The System Board consists of one library representative elected by the Board of Trustees of each participating library, and one representative from each taxing county appointed by the county commissioners to represent territory not within the district of any participating library, but within the tax district of the System.

Section 3. Terms of service

Each library representative is eligible to serve a four-year term on the System Board until a replacement is appointed by the Board of Trustees of the library represented. The county appointees serve four-year terms and may be reappointed at the pleasure of the county commissioners.

Section 4. Meeting Schedule

The regular meeting of the System Board is held in August for the purpose of approving the budget and program of operations for the following year, also for the purpose of electing members to positions on the Executive Committee for terms which expire in January of the following year, and for transacting any other business placed before it.

Section 5. Notice of Meetings

Notification of meetings of the System Board are by notice to all members of the Board at least thirty days prior to the meeting, and state the purpose, time, and place of the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the president, with proper notification, should the need arise.

Section 6. Reimbursement

System Board members shall receive no salary. Eligible board representatives shall be reimbursement for mileage expenses to attend the System Board meeting. 

County appointees shall receive no salary.  County appointees shall be reimbursed by the System for mileage expenses in attending designated functions to represent the System.

Article 5. Executive Committee

Section 1. Definition

The Executive Committee has the authority to conduct the business and affairs of the System Board between regular or special meetings of the Board, and set policies for the System director for the administration of the System. (K.S.A. 75-2550a).

Section 2. Representation

The Executive Committee consists of a total of fourteen (14) members, one member elected from each of the counties which levy the System tax, one member elected from each of the contracting counties, and two elected from those appointed by the county commissioners.

Members of the System Board are elected to serve on the Executive Committee at the annual meeting in August and begin serving their term in January of the next calendar year.

In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Committee, the president, with the approval of the other members of the Executive Committee, is authorized to fill the vacancy from the members of the System Board, until the next regular meeting of the System Board.

Section 3. Terms of Service

A System Board member is eligible to be elected to the Executive Committee for four-year terms. County commissioner appointees serve four-year terms concurrent with their appointment by the county commission to the System Board.

Section 4. Officers

The members of the Executive Committee elect a president, vice president, secretary/treasurer at the January meeting, after the annual election of the officials at the System Board, who will then serve as the officers of the System Board.

Section 5. System Employees

The system director is the administrative officer for the System. He or she reports to the Executive Committee on the operations of the System and employs and directs such employees who are found to be necessary for the operations of the System.

Section 6. Meeting Schedule

The Executive Committee meets regularly six times per year at dates agreed upon by the Committee, and approves payment of bills and carries on such business as is delegated to them by the System Board.

Section 7. Ad Hoc Committees

The president may appoint ad hoc committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 8. Reimbursement

The Executive Committee shall receive no salary. All committee members shall receive reimbursement for mileage expenses incurred attending functions of the system, state or others as provided. 

County appointees shall receive no salary.  County appointees shall be reimbursed by the System for mileage expenses in attending designated functions to represent the System.

Article 6. Voting

Section1. System Board Voting

Each member of the System Board has one vote in the government of the System at System Board meetings.

System Board meetings are open to all library trustees, librarians and other interested persons, but only the library representative or an alternate from each participating library, and the representatives appointed by county commissioners are eligible to vote in the proceedings of the System Board.

Representatives of contracting libraries have voting power on all matters not related to budgeting of the regional tax funds and budgeting of state aid to the System provided under K.S.A. 75-2555.

Representatives of affiliate libraries have voting powers on the System plan of service

Section 2. System Board Quorum

A simple majority of all qualified representatives present at a System board constitute a quorum.

Section 3. Executive Committee Voting

Each Executive Committee member has one vote in motions presented for action at the meetings of the Executive Board.

Section 4. Executive Committee Quorum

The simple majority of the Executive Committee constitutes a quorum.

Article 7. Parliamentary Procedure

All business will be conducted according to “Roberts Rules of Order” when it is not in conflict with these bylaws.

Article 8. Amendments

Section 1. Bylaws

The Executive Committee will appoint a bylaws review committee as needed.

Section 2.

Amendments to these bylaws require a majority vote of the qualified members of the System Board, subject to the approval of the State Library of Kansas Board, and providing the proposed amendment was stated in the call for the meeting.

Article 9. Affiliate Membership

Affiliates may share in services and use of System resource materials including information delivery services, consulting services, and continuing education services, and will reciprocate with services and materials to supplement System resources as determined and approved by the Executive Committee and the administrative head of the affiliate library.

Operations, funding, governance, and services of the affiliate library are not included in program budgeting for the public libraries of the System.

No transfer of funds from the System will be made to an affiliate, nor will funds be transferred from an affiliate to the System, except for actual costs of contracted services.

Updated 8/22/2024

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